Once a Member company joins the HBA, every employee of your company becomes an HBA Member and is eligible to join any HBA Council. HBA Council Memberships are annual, individually-named Council Memberships. Council Memberships that are purchased in 2025 begin on the day that the individual pays for Council Membership, and will run for one full calendar year, as long as the HBA Member company maintains their HBA Membership in good standing.
THIS APPLICATION IS FORNEW COUNCIL MEMBERSHIPS ONLY. Council Membership renewals are invoiced directly. No need to reapply, simply pay invoice to renew.
**If joining multiple councils, please "add an attendee" for each individual council membership (even if memberships are for the same name)**
Custom Builder & Remodeler Council (CBRC): $90 that includes affiliation with the National Remodeler Council through NAHB
Optional annual CBRC add-on to also join 50+ Housing Industry Council through NAHB: additional $100
Professional Women in Building Council (PWB): $75 that includes affiliation with the National Professional Women in Building through NAHB
Sales & Marketing Council (SMC): $95 that includes affiliation with the National Sales & Marketing Council through NAHB
Young Leaders Council (YLC): $39.99 open to young HBA members, less than 40 years of age